About My Master Coaches 
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Who’s On My Master Coaching Team?

You might think I’d exclusively hire psychologists and professional counselors given my background… but for the most part, you’d be wrong! I find it difficult to get professionals to let go of the “love yourself thin” mentality. I think they’ve just had too much training that suggests it’s necessary to overcome early trauma to stop overeating.

Instead, I mostly recruit from a base of people who’ve used my methods to overcome their own struggles. I find them much easier to train and supervise. Even if someone has a professional degree, I prefer them to have used the method themselves first.
All Master Coaches have personal access to me whenever necessary, and I meet with them once a week. Results are scrupulously tracked, and we maintain a high bar to keep coaches active.

Last, I have to say, my interactions with my Master Coaches over the years have taught me at least as much as my research and client experience combined! They are all very mission oriented, creative, compassionate, and driven to make a difference. I’ve directly supervised about 15 different coaches who see clients for me in total, and the small team I’ve chosen to carry forward at this time really are the best of the best. Their bios follow. (Please note that while some of our Master Coaches, and/or Dr. Glenn Livingston himself may have a professional medical and/or psychology license, we do not offer to diagnose, treat, and/or cure any disease, disorder, and/or condition, and no doctor-patient relationship is created by your purchase of the program described on this page.)

Fiona: A former coach for seven years with a major weight loss organization, Fiona's personal journey with my cravings-recovery methods started at the end of 2016 when she came across my book. She became intrigued with the whole concept of The Inner Pig. At the time Fiona thought after a lifetime of food problems she was 'sorted' because she was nearly a year into a 14-month sugar free period. At the end of that period, however, she 'tested' herself with sugar and suddenly found herself back in full craving mode. So, she re-read the book and it all started to make sense. Fiona is now happily Pig free and loving it! She also has a background in Neurolinguistic Programming. She loves working for me and now uses her coaching skills and weight loss experience to help clients free themselves from the cycle she understands so well.

Yvonne: As a retired 6th grade teacher, Yvonne loved showing her students how important self-control was for success in school, family, and life. However, when it came to controlling her own eating, she'd struggled with dieting, binge eating, and regaining weight so many times the numbers became meaningless, and she just didn't understand why. In fact, she'd been praying her whole life for an answer... and the methodology I taught was finally that answer. It gave her a more permanent solution to stop binge eating for good, and drop all the extra weight she'd gained during menopause... weight most of her friends thought impossible to lose. (Yvonne also believes her newfound ability to eat healthily is at least somewhat responsible for the serious reduction in night sweats and other classic menopausal symptoms). Her greatest passion is sharing the lasting peace she's found with food with others, helping them reclaim their power, and showing them how to deeply enjoy a personal diet they choose themselves.

Aimee: A physician with over 40 years of experience, Aimee could help her patients but couldn’t beat a life-long cycle of yo-yo dieting until she found my program. After a slow start, she finally realized that defeating the Pig didn’t mean “sticking to a diet once and for all,” but developing an enjoyable eating lifestyle that just happened to get rid of all her excess weight. She learned to use rules, refutations and mindful reflection to systematically rid her diet of foods that weren’t that good but that the Pig liked to eat compulsively. She is an expert at identifying hidden Squeals and loves to help people get unnecessary eating behaviors and food restriction out of their lives.

So that’s my small, intimate team of Master Coaches. As you can probably tell, I’m extremely picky, which is why our capacity is always limited. I do occasionally look for, train, and hire new coaches, but won’t sacrifice the standards so many years of experience have taught me are necessary to achieve reliable results. My apologies if this occasionally creates frustratingly long waiting periods before you can sign up for the program, I do the best I can. 

In any case, if you'd like to work with a Master Coach for the program described on this page then please click the "Book My Spot with a Master Coach Now" button below.  If you'd prefer to book with me personally (Glenn Livingston, Ph.D.), then please close the window and click Book My Spot with Glenn Now.  

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YES, I WANT TO BOOK MY SPOT! I know that by clicking the "Book My Spot Now" button above I am indicating that I've read and agreed to the Disclaimer and Terms of Use Agreement, the Privacy Policy, and the Full Disclosure Statement. I further agree this purchase is for education only, and specifically does not constitute psychological, nutritional, medical, and/or counseling services. I will consult a licensed physician before making any significant changes to my diet and/or exercise routine. I specifically acknowledge eating disorders such as Bulimia, Binge Eating Disorder, and/or Anorexia, but also all other diagnosable diseases, disorders, and conditions require treatment by a licensed professional, and that nobody I come in contact with via this purchase is offering me such treatment, even if they hold an appropriate license. I know this program comes with a 30 day money back guarantee as described above! I also know the program described on this page has been improved and upgraded to include even more support than Glenn's previous company programs which reported such great results. 

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Phone: 754-247-2570
Pompano Beach, Florida