Please scroll down and hit play to listen to this four minute, critical message from Glenn Livingston, Ph.D. I’m sorry to bring you hocking news, but I’m afraid I had a heart attack last week, followed by three cardiac stent insertions and multiple angioplasties in two separate procedures during my five days in the hospital. The good news is that I’m expected to make a full recovery with NO lasting damage to my heart.

My ego is a bit more deflated however, as I really thought I’d outrun my horrific genetics by quitting binging and eating so clean for the last few decades. I think, realistically, I bought myself those decades with quality of life and prevented myself from dying and more serious damage from this event. Many of the men in my Mom’s lineage had serious, heart-damaging attacks in their late 30s and early 40s! I managed to make it to 60 unscathed. Except I DID have 99% occlusion in one major artery and 70% to 80% in several others. This, despite a total cholesterol of 137 and generally good blood work at every turn otherwise. My mistake was not seeing a cardiologist earlier on due to my clearly somewhat grandiose belief in the total protective power of diet and exercise. “Denial is not a river in Egypt” 🙁

Intellectually, I know giving up binging and doing so much exercise helped me tremendously, so I’m only going to double down on my Defeat Your Cravings routines. Physically, I’m still very fatigued and so, for this week and next I’ve gotten my Master Coaches to fill in with my groups in the paid program. For anyone with a discrete limit to their access time, please don’t worry, we will have added two weeks for you so that you’re not paying for time when you can’t talk to me. (The program is still briefly open for enrollment as of this publication date by the way (2/18/25) and you’ll get two extra weeks access to everything if you order this week – click here to learn more.) I also will be doing mostly just phone sessions with individual clients during this time.

Anyway, I’m told I’ll be better than ever now, and I believe it in my head, just not yet in my heart. “Life is what happens when we’re making other plans” – John Lennon. Right?

Onwards and Upwards,

Glenn 🙂

PS – Yesterday’s audio originally had no play button on the page. It’s there now. “Do Self Esteem Issues Cause Binge Eating?

PPS – If you love me even a little bit, will you consider using this news to step up your own Defeat Your Cravings efforts?

PPPS – Need help?